Phone +27 28 424 1080
4 Smith St, Bredasdorp, 7280, Western Cape, South Africa
Welcome to Suideroord Old Age Home
Your Retirement Center
Retirement Community
Suideroord Old Age Home is a safe and affordable home for the elderly close to the most Southern tip of Africa, Here, senior living will start to feel a lot like taking an extended vacation as you sit back and relax knowing that everything you need will be taken care of.
Depending on your current health needs and lifestyle preferences, Suideroord Old Age Home offers both short and long-term care as an established Retirement Home in Bredasdorp since 1965,
read more about our history and the ACVV involvement
Suideroord Old Age Home offers a diverse basket of accommodation and care options for permanent and temporary admissions depending on the need for care and the degree of financial independence the individual requires.
Options include rooms, apartments, annex houses and life right units and the nature of the accommodation option determines the spectrum of services provided with it. State-subsidized accommodation is available to qualifying individuals and once again options can be exercised depending on the individual's personal financial position.​
Suideroord is also licensed by the Department of Health to provide care for 108 dementia patients and features an Alzheimer unit with 19 residents.
“Age is an issue of mind over matter, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”